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Exploring Social Innovation Application

February 6-16, 2019
San Francisco & Silicon Valley

Application Process
To see if this program is a good match, we want to know get to know you: your passion, motivation, interests and experiences! In the application, you can share about yourself [in English] in 3 sections:
  1. Background & Contact Information - Tell us some basic information about yourself and how to reach you.
  2. Deeper Questions - Share your story & show your personality through short essays OR video* by answering the following questions:
    1. Why do you want to participate in a program focusing on social innovation?
    2. What do you hope to gain or improve by participating in this program?
    3. We would like to get to know you better. Please tell us a little about your hobbies or passions, your character, and your plans for the future.
    • If you are applying for a scholarship, you MUST make a video [no more than 5 minutes]. Click here for video tips.
  3. ​Interview: The final step will be a 10-15 minute interview (by Skype, WeChat, or phone) with the Program Director. If your application is selected, the program director will follow up with you to confirm the interview time.

How to Save Your Answers & Continue Later
  • After clicking "Next" below, a bar will appear at the top of the screen with the text "Save and continue later". Click on it and enter your email address.
  • You will receive an email* with a unique link to return to your application.
  • Please BOOKMARK THE LINK by pressing ⌘ + D (Mac) or CTL + D (PC), or SAVE THE EMAIL.
  • Anytime you wish to return to your application, use the link.
​✻ If you do not receive an email within a few minutes, check your spam folder. The email sender is Yi Zhang (, the subject is [Reminder] Don't forget to complete your VIA ESI Application.

Questions or technical difficulties? Contact

Click the Next button below to begin your application: