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Christian youth ministry training survey - South East (Urban Saints)

The Jerusalem Trust are committed to training and development for Christian youth workers. As part of this work, we are sponsoring a UK-wide pilot 'hub' programme to share youth work training in 2015 and 2016. To help us make this useful and relevant for you, we would appreciate your help. By completing this survey, we'll be able to offer you the best possible training in the most useful format. Thank you!

1. Which of these best describes you? *This question is required.
2. How long have you been doing youth work? *This question is required.
3. Thinking about the last twelve months, can you list all the training events and courses and academic study you've done as part of your role? Examples might include a safeguarding course, denominational training day, college course or attending an event like The Youth Work Summit.
Space Cell List each one on a separate line
4. Which of these statements apply to you. Tick as many as apply. *This question is required.
5. What areas of personal development would you most appreciate support and training in?
Space Cell Not interestedQuite interestedVery interestedTop priority
Time management
Managing others (staff & volunteers)
My emotional well-being
My spiritual well-being & personal discipleship
Communication and public speaking
Counselling and pastoral skills
Using social media and the internet in your youth work
Behaviour management with young people
Remaining distinctive in a multi faith context
6. What topics and issues would be most relevant or valuable to you in the work you do?
Space Cell Not interestedQuite interestedVery interestedTop priority
Young people and mental health
Young people, relationships and sex
Young people, poverty and social injustice
Technology and its impact on the lives of young people
The education system and curriculum
Adolescent physical and emotional development
Young people and family
Discipleship and growing faith in young people
Develop young people's theological framework
7. Please rank the kind of training you prefer. 1 is your preferred method, 4 is the least important to you. *This question is required. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
This question requires a valid email address.
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