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Is modafinil a 'smart' drug: A survey of light users and heavy users in UK university students

Is Modafinil a 'smart' drug: A survey of the short-term and long-term effects in UK university students.

You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you make a decision about whether to participate or not, it is important for you to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Please read the following information carefully.

What is the purpose of the research?

We are conducting research on the drug modafinil to investigate the prevalence of use among university students studying in the UK and the effects of the drug in light users and heavy users. 

Who is carrying out the research?

The data is being collected by Angharad Lewis at the Department of Psychology, Swansea University, under the supervision of Professor Andrew Parrott, Department of Psychology, Swansea University. The research has been approved by the Department of Psychology's Research Ethics Committee. 

What happens if I agree to take part?

We will ask you to complete an online questionnaire. Within this questionnaire you will be asked a number of questions regarding the usage of the drug modafinil, the length of time you have been taking the drug and the effects you have personally experienced. Other questions will be asked regarding your feelings experienced when you are on the drug and the same set of questions will be asked about your feelings off the drug. Also you will be asked questions about whether you believe the drug is a form of unfair practice within universities in the UK and whether you believe it should be banned. Additionally we will ask for some background information including your level of study, which university you attend, your age, and sex.

Is participation voluntary and what if I wish to later withdraw?

Your participation is entirely voluntary - you do not have to participate if you do not want to. If you decide to participate, but later wish to withdraw during the study, then you may do so at any time. However, please note that because your data is anonymous it will not be possible to identify and remove your data once the study is completed.  

What will happen to the information I provide?

All the data obtained will be confidential to the study. You will be identified via a participation number, not by name. Please note that because the data will be made anonymous, it will not be possible to identify and remove your data at a later date, should you decide to withdraw from the study. Therefore, if at the end of this research you decide to have your data withdrawn, do not click the 'submit' button rather press the 'cancel' button.

As analysis of the information will form part of our report at the end of the study and may be presented to interested parties and published in scientific journals and related media.

Note that information presented in any reports or publications will be anonymous. 

We aim to make all our research as enjoyable as possible but should you feel unhappy with any aspect of this research, please direct complaints to the Department of Psychology's Research Ethics Committee, Professor Andrew Parrott, Department of Psychology, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP.

What if I have other questions?

If you have further questions about this research please do not hesitate to contact us:

Angharad Lewis 

Department of Psychology

Swansea University

Professor Andrew Parrott

Department of Psychology

Swansea University
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