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CDAS: Adult ADD/ADHD Assessment


Thank you for taking the CDAS: Adult ADD/ADHD Assessment.  Created by a licensed professional counselor who has worked in the mental health field for years, this thorough assessment instrument measures specific symptoms of ADD/ADHD using diagnostic criteria as provided by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Version 5 (DSM-5).  

Unlike some of the broad, general questionnaires available on the internet, this instrument seeks to provide an overall indication of the presence or absence of ADD/ADHD and its subtypes.  In addition to the indications of ADD/ADHD, the assessment also measures your overall level of functioning, which can help you to pinpoint any specific areas of difficulty.  

Upon completion of the assessment, you will receive a comprehensive report detailing your results and providing recommendations for any next steps.  This report can be taken to your professional healthcare provider to assist her/him in any diagnosis.  

Click here for a sample of this report.

This assessment is specifically designed for adults.