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Fear of Crime Questionnaire

You are being invited to take part in a psychology research study being conducted as part of an MSc in Forensic Psychology. Before you decide whether to participate, it is vital for you to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Please take your time to read the following information carefully, and discuss it with others if you wish. Please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take your time to decide whether or not you wish to take part.

The purpose of this research is to learn about how students perceive crime, and the factors that may influence how they feel about it. The questionnaire will ask about whether you worry about different types of crime (including crimes of theft and interpersonal/sexual violence), how at risk you feel, and also about some other individual characteristic that might influence how people respond to these types of question. The questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

If you decide to take part in the study, you will be asked to sign a consent form and create a participant number, before completing the questionnaire.

Your participation is anonymous and entirely voluntary. You do not have to take part if you do not wish. If you decide to take part, you can withdraw your participation at any time up until early July 2016, without giving reasons, and with no negative consequences.  Should you wish to withdraw your data after you have finished the study you will need to contact the researcher on the details below and provide the participant number that you create.

The results of this study will be written up in a research report, and may subsequently be published in academic journals and conferences. The data obtained from you will be combined with data from others and the published results will not include your name or any other information that would personally identify you in any way. All proposals for research using human participants are reviewed by an Ethics committee before they can proceed. The Middlesex Psychology Department’s Ethics Committee have reviewed this proposal.

Should you have any questions about this study or your participation please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet whether you choose to participate or not your interest is greatly appreciated. 

1. what is your gender?
2. what is your age?
4. have you been a victim of crime in the last 12 months?
5. Have you ever been a victim of the following crimes? Please tick all that apply.
6. Thinking about all types of crime, in general, how worried have you been about becoming a victim of crime on campus during the previous month? Please tick one.
7. And how worried are you about being a victim of the following specific types of crime on campus? Please tick one box for each type of crime.
  Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell not worried at allnot very worriedneithera little worriedvery worried
phone theft
physical assault
knife crime
8. How likely do you think it is that you will be a victim of crime in general in the next 12 months on campus? Please tick one.
9. And how likely do you think it is that you will fall a victim of each of the following specific types of crime during the next 12 months on campus? Please tick one for each type of crime.
  Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell not at all likelynot very likelyneitherquite likelyvery likely
phone theft
physical assault
knife crime
10. To what extent do you think the experience of a typical instance of each of the following would affect your everyday life? Please tick one for each type of crime.
  Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell not at alla littlemoderately quite a bita great deal
phone theft
physical assault
knife crime
11. To what extent do you feel able to control whether or not you become of victim of the following? Please tick one for each type of crime.
  Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell a great dealquite a bitmoderatelya littlenot at all
phone theft
physical assault
knife crime
12. Please rate how frequently you use the media to keep up to date with current affairs. Please tick one for each type of media.
  Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell neverrarelysometimesofteneveryday
Internet news based websites
social media
13. Please tell me how safe or unsafe do you feel in the following places. Please tick one for each type of crime. Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell very safepretty safeacceptablea little unsafevery unsafe
When outside in your local area after dark
When outside in your local area during the day
When outside on campus after dark
When outside on campus during the day
14. Please answer each question, by ticking one that applies.
  Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell neveronce in the last yearless than once a monthonce or twice a weekmore than twice a weekdaily or almost daily
On average, how often do you go out to bars or clubs?
On average, how often do you spend time socialising or partying with friends?
On average, how often do you spend time socialising or partying with strangers?
on average, how often do you go out alone at night
15. Have you ever accepted an invitation to go back to the home/lodgings of a comparative stranger? Please tick one one. 
16. would you?
17. Have you ever offered such an invitation?
18. would you?
19. how often have you done any of the following? 
  Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell neveronce in the last yearless than once a monthonce or twice a weekmore than twice a weekdaily or almost daily
had enough alcohol to get drunk
smoked weed
used any other drugs
20. To conclude, please tell me if you have done any of the activities listed below in the last 12 months to reduce your risk to crime.   Once the following question is answered, you will be automatically advanced to the next page
Space Cell Yesno
Installed extra locks on windows or door
Installed or made sure there was a security alarm
Learned more about self defence
Started carrying something to defend yourself
Carry a phone for protection
Do you generally avoid unsafe areas during the day because of crime
Do you generally avoid unsafe areas during the night because of crime
Within the last year, have you limited or changed your daily activities because of crime?
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