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How Efficient Is Your Life?

Page One

1. I leave work on time every day. I don't stay late more than one day a week.
2. I get up and go to sleep at the same time every day.
3. My desk at work is organized. There's not a pile of back work.
4. I don't procrastinate. I believe that the best way to handle unpleasant tasks is to face them right away.
5. I don't harbor negativity for a long time. Keeping score and waiting for payback isn't my style.
6. My closet is organized. I can get at anything I want easily.
7. My refrigerator isn't full of leftovers. I'm not surprised by old fruits and vegetables I forgot I had.
8. I know where I stand emotionally with the people in my life. We are open and clear with each other.
9. I know my weaknesses and have a plan for overcoming them. I will be stronger tomorrow than I was yesterday.
10. I use money well. I don't hoard and I don't spend recklessly. I am not worried about my credit card balances.
11. My salary fits my needs for now and the future. I am a good financial planner.
12. My yard is kept up in all seasons. (If you don't have a yard, substitute patio, balcony, house plants or personal environment.)
13. I keep ahead of my housekeeping. I'm not faced with accumulated dust and dirt that's piled up for weeks.
14. When I go shopping, I come back with what I need. I rarely have to run back because I forgot something.
15. I keep up with how everyone in my family is doing. I have a good idea of where they are in their lives.
16. I don't have to rush at the last minute to get things done. I am good at scheduling and balancing my time.
17. I feel that there's a good balance between work and play in my life. I'm having fun and getting things done.