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Temporary Signs in Public Places Permit

Sign location

Use this form to apply for permission to put temporary private signs up on public land.

You will need to upload a photo, drawing or plan of your sign. Your sign will need to display your name (or name of your organisation) and contact details (phone number or email address).

Read our privacy statement

1. Where do you want to put the sign? *This question is required.
Public property is any land or asset (eg. grass berm, roadside fencing, street pole, etc.) outside of private boundary.
Private property is within your own boundary or attached to private wall/fencing that runs along the boundary line.
If you want to put a sign up on private property, don't fill out this form. Instead, you need to contact the private property owner.  Be aware that your sign may fall under the District Plan rules. So please check with our District Plan team - contact or phone 04 499 4444.