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Megan Oakleaf Workshops



Megan is a nationally recognized expert and the head of the RAILS (Rubric Assessment of Information Literacy Skills) project.  An associate professor at Syracuse University, her research includes outcomes-based assessment, evidence-based decision making, and information literacy instruction.

The AAC&U defines information literacy as "the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share that information for the problem at hand."


Attend one or both workshop sessions on Thursday, January 19th, 2017 in the Advanced Technology Lab (ATL, Building 7)

WORKSHOP 1:  Teaching and Learning Information Literacy  (9:00 am to 12 noon)
  • How is Information Literacy defined nationally?  How should we define it for Cal Poly?
  • How do we recognize Information Literacy in the disciplines and at different levels in a student's development?
  • What kind of experiences best support the development of Information Literacy as a core competency?
WORKSHOP 2:  Rubric Design to Support Information Literacy (1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • What is a rubric? 
  • What are the best practices in designing rubrics?
  • How can an effective rubric inform curriculum and pedagogy?
  • How do we design an information literacy rubric for Cal Poly?
1. Which workshop(s) would you like to attend?
5. What is your position at Cal Poly?