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Reducing Laboratory Risk

Are you interested in enhancing patient care? By answering a few short questions, you can help Bio-Rad generate the state of the art QC planning tools your lab needs to keep delivering the highest quality patient care possible.
 QC Plan: QC Rules and Frequency
1. When your QC is out of control what do you do? (check all that apply)
What do you do? How Often? (per event) Estimated Cost (per event)
Rerun QC
Retest Patient Samples
2. When your QC is in control are you concerned that there might be undetected issues affecting the reliability of your results?
3. QC Plan
4. What are the most important ways in which risk of reporting incorrect patient results affect your lab? Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
5. How valuable would a tool that helps you create a custom QC Plan be to your lab, if you could utilize the parameters of your choice to reduce incorrect patient results?
Not ValuableValuableVery Valuable
6. What are the most important components of such a tool? Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.