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Oxford Dictionaries API - OED language data

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1. How useful did you find the OED prototype API? Please answer on a 0-10 scale, where 0 is ‘not at all useful’ and 10 is ‘extremely useful’?
0 = Not at all useful
10= Very useful
3. How likely is it that you would be interested in using more of our OED language data like this example in your applications? Please answer on a 0-10 scale, where 0 is ‘not at all likely’ and 10 is ‘extremely likely’?
0 = Not at all likely
10 = Very likely
5. How valuable would you consider the following data to be?
Space Cell Not at all valuableOf little valueSomewhat valuableValuableExtremely valuable
Frequency information (how common is a word)
Date of first use
Etymology (word origins)
Historical variant spellings
6. For what purposes would you use OED data?
7. Future contact: