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Chautauqua Lighting Plan and Design Guidelines

The initial phase of the development of a Lighting Plan and Design Guidelines for Chautauqua will focus on evaluating existing conditions, researching the history of lighting at Chautauqua, assessing the appropriateness of lighting and developing project goals and draft lighting principles. We are seeking community feedback to shape the draft lighting principles and assess the need for lighting within the boundaries of the Chautauqua Historic District.
2. What purpose should lighting serve within the historic district boundaries?
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
SAFETY: Safety may be improved by lighting hazards so that they can be seen with sufficient reaction time. This may include tripping hazards, collision or loss of bearings.
SECURITY:Security can be described as the perception of safety. Lighting to improve security involves lighting potentially hazardous locations and situations. For example, an increase in reaction time can improve the ability to find refuge, or call for help.
WAYFINDING: Illuminating specific areas and routes can assist in route finding and directions between certain points. Changes in brightness may also provide visual cues and orientation for pedestrians. For examples, continuously lighted streets may identify a primary vehicle route while lower lighting levels suggest private or residential areas.
4. In what areas can lighting be improved?
No change/Adequate As IsNeeds Improvement
primary roads
secondary roads
lighting of public buildings