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IBM SPSS Statistics: Feedback Survey

1. Please select the job role that you most closely relate to. *This question is required.
2. On which operating systems do you run this version of SPSS Statistics? *This question is required.
3. To which relase does your feedback refer?
     (see the Settings page; for older versions, the Updates section on the Welcome page)
4. Rate your experience for each of the following. *This question is required.
Space Cell Didn't try1 - Very dissatisfied2 - Dissatisfied3 - Neutral4 - Satisfied5 - Very Satisfied
SPSS Exploration (beginner tutorial)
Work in tabbed pages
Open SPSS data files (.sav)
Import data files (CSV, Excel)
Edit variables and cases
Handle variables and cases (functions in Data menu)
Compute new variables
Navigate the interface
Find and select analysis functions in the UI
Specify and run analysis functions through the UI
Custom Tables
Chart Builder
Work with syntax
Work with results in the output tab
Save and export results