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MDA Spring Parent 2018

Dear Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s), Thank you for taking this survey! Your opinions are very important to developing better schools in your community. Your School District is dedicated to continually improving the education your child receives, and the most honest answers that you can provide to the following questions are greatly appreciated and important.


This survey is completely anonymous and confidential. We would like for you to feel comfortable with the fact that your answers will not be traced back to you. Your child, teachers, school leadership teams and district level staff will not see your answers. The questions relate to your feelings regarding your child’s school, schoolwork, teachers, school leadership teams and staff, and community.

Please read the directions for each section carefully and give your truthful opinion. If you have more than one child at the school who sent you this link, please try to think about one of your children as you answer the questions. If you are unable to answer a question or feel the need to refrain from answering a question, please leave it blank and go to the next question. After completing the survey, please follow the directions provided at the end to submit your survey. Thank you again for your participation, and sharing your valuable perceptions.
1. How many children do you have enrolled in the school that sent you this survey?
3. In what grades are they enrolled? (mark all that apply)
4. I am a:
5. My child is a:

There are no right or wrong answers. Some of the statements are similar to other statements. Do not be concerned about this. Work quickly and record your first and most honest answers.

Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
The teachers in this school provide feedback on student assignments.
The teachers in this school make the goals of the class clear.
The teachers at this school are creative in how they teach.
The teachers in this school speak enthusiastically about the topics they teach and what needs to be accomplished.
The teachers in this school help prepare students for the quizzes and tests they take in the classroom.
At this school, teachers make learning interesting and enjoyable.

There are no right or wrong answers. Some of the statements are similar to other statements. Do not be concerned about this. Work quickly and record your first and most honest answers.

Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
The teachers in this school are willing to spend time outside of class or after school to help students do better in school.
If a student does not understand something in class, there are people in this school they can go to for help.
The teachers in this school take a personal interest in our students’ education and work together to help them succeed.
The teachers in this school encourage students when they are doing well in class.
The teachers in this school spend extra time in class to cover topics that students do not understand.
The teachers in this school communicate with parents or guardians to get students the help they need to succeed.

Using the following scale, please place the number that best describes your child's relationship to each of the words listed below.


1 2 3 4 5
 They do not know
what this is.
 They know what this
is, but I do not
think about it
 They know what this
is, they think about it
often, and I
practice it
 They know what this
is, they think about it
often, and they
practice it often.
They know what this
is, they think about it
often, and they
practice it
Space Cell 12345
Respect (for others)
Care (for others)

There are no right or wrong answers. Some of the statements are similar to other statements. Do not be concerned about this. Work quickly and record your first and most honest answers.

Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
My child looks out for others and tries to help them solve their problems.
My child believes people should handle their own problems and not rely on others to fix their problems.
My child does not concern themselves with unfortunate events in other parts of the world.
My child worries about other people’s problems even though my child has their own challenges.
11. Please indicate in the space provided your first impression to the statement using the following scale options: (1) Never, (2) Once or Twice, (3) 3 to 5 times, (4) 6 to 9 times, or (5) 10 or more times. There are no right or wrong answers. Consider each statement.
During the past year
Space Cell NeverOnce or twice3-5 times6 to 9 times10 or more times
How often has your child helped someone who needed their assistance?
How often has your child defended someone who was being teased?
How often has your child supported someone who was sad or hurt?
How often has your child tried to not be mean to others?
How often has your child helped a classmate?

There are no right or wrong answers. Some of the statements are similar to other statements. Do not be concerned about this. Work quickly and record your first and most honest answers.

Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
Teachers in my child’s school often discipline students without knowing the whole story.
The teachers in my child's school help them to feel safe and welcomed.
The teachers in my child’s school always treat my child with fairness.
I trust the teachers in my child’s school.
The teachers in my child’s school keep their word.
The teachers in my child’s school care about the students.
The teachers in my child’s school are honest.

There are no right or wrong answers. Some of the statements are similar to other statements. Do not be concerned about this. Work quickly and record your first and most honest answers.

Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
The teachers at my child’s school work hard to make sure the students succeed.
The teachers at my child’s school do not seem to be able to help students who have been exposed to negative influences at home.
If parents are not supporting a student at home, there is little my child’s teachers can do at this school to help the student succeed.
The teachers at my child’s school do not help students become more successful.
When students demonstrate diligence it is often because teachers in my child’s school have encouraged the students to not give up.
The teachers at my child’s school are willing to help a student do better in school.
The teachers at my child’s school try to help students make positive changes in their lives.
The teachers at my child’s school are continually finding better ways to improve student success.

There are no right or wrong answers. Some of the statements are similar to other statements. Do not be concerned about this. Work quickly and record your first and most honest answers.

Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
The administration team (e.g., principals, counselors and directors) in my child’s school often discipline students without knowing the whole story.
The administration team in my child’s school helps students to feel safe and welcomed.
The administration team in my child’s school helps students to feel safe and welcomed.
My child trusts the administrators in their school.
The administrators in my child’s school keeps their word.
The administrators in my child’s school care about the students.
The administrators in my child’s school are honest.
The administrators in my child’s school demonstrate good leadership.

There are no right or wrong answers. Some of the statements are similar to other statements. Do not be concerned about this. Work quickly and record your first and most honest answers.

Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
The administration team takes time to talk with students and teachers during breaks or lunch.
The administration team visits classrooms to discuss school issues with teachers and students.
The administration team informs students of the school’s academic progress.
The administration team ensures that the teachers are helping students learn.
The administration team points out areas where teachers and students can do better.
This school administration recognizes and rewards students who do superior work.
The school administration is interested in my child’s life outside of school.