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CWA D1 - NYS Legislative Director Job Application

CWA District 1 Job Listing: Senior Campaign Lead

Thank you for your interest in applying to be the CWA District 1 Senior Campaign Lead. Click here for a PDF of the job description. Please fill out the form as completely as possible and make sure to upload your resume, cover letter, and writing sample. Applications without any uploads will not be considered. If we think your qualifications match the position, we will contact you for an interview.

Note that this job is located in New York City.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, natural origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or any other status protected by law or regulation. It is our intention that all qualified applicants are given equal opportunity and that selection decisions will be based on job-related factors.

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