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Meditation Life Skills User Assement

What Is Your Meditation Experience Level?

In meditation, everyone is at different levels. What level would you rate yourself? Beginner? Some experience meditating off and on through the years? I want to be more consistent in my meditations. I want to be a Meditation Teacher in my community.
1. Are you a beginner who has never meditated before but would like to learn how to meditate? *This question is required.
2. Are you someone who has meditated by reading books, Youtube or by listening to mp3s?
3. Are you someone who has been meditating off and on throughout the years, wishing you could be more consistent with your meditation practice?
4. Do you find it difficult to understand the techniques for meditating?
5. Do you want to meditate to become more spiritual or for health and mental benefits? Or both of these?
6. Are you the type of person that would want to learn meditation at a higher level and become a meditation teacher in your community?
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