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Department Leaders Mentoring Program Application


The ASA Department Leaders Mentoring Program provides one-on-one support, feedback, advice, and coaching to sociologists to help them increase their effectiveness as actors in a particular institutional role, such as department chair, division coordinator, or graduate studies director. The purpose of the Mentors Program is not to help individuals with their own publication or teaching.

The Mentoring Program is a volunteer effort – mentors do not receive monetary payment for their services. Meetings with mentors generally take place through phone conversations, email, and web-based video conferencing. The length of mentor relationships is negotiated on a case-by-case basis, but may typically extend over 6 to 12 months.

To apply for a mentor, please fill out this questionnaire and also send a copy of your current CV to Please understand that it may take 3-6 weeks to make a mentor match.
1. Contact Information:
2. What is the institutional role that you would like to focus on with your mentor?
3. Copy of What is the institutional role that you would like to focus on with your mentor?
4. How long have you had this institutional role?
5. How did you learn about the Department Leaders Mentoring Program? (Please check all that apply)
6. Copy of How did you learn about the Department Leaders Mentoring Program? (Please check all that apply)
9. Which of the following best describes your department?
10. Students in your department can major and/or concentrate in (please select all that apply):
11. What is the highest degree granted in your department?
12. How many professors at each rank work in your department? (approximations are okay)
13. Approximately how many student majors are in your department?
14. Does your department have a department-wide program in place for assessing student outcomes?
15. Are there any specific departmental issues or concerns that you would like to focus on in your work with your mentor?

Please look over the list below and check all that apply.
16. Copy of Are there any specific departmental issues or concerns that you would like to focus on in your work with your mentor?

Please look over the list below and check all that apply.