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Thank you for your interest in the IMPACT Index survey. Sponsored by the US Economic Development Administration (EDA), the IMPACT Index is a study on the economic impact of incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces and other entrepreneurial support centers in communities across the United States. Your responses will help our industry better understand current trends, models and entrepreneurship programs that can then be used by your organization to track and ascertain helpful outcomes from established entrepreneurship centers similar to yours. We are honored to have your organization participate. Even if you are not an incubator or accelerator, you can still help us!

Please read details below about the survey operation and instructions on collecting organizational data you will need to complete the survey in a timely manner.

International Business Innovation Association (InBIA), in partnership with the University of Central Florida, is honored to host the IMPACT Index data aggregation task for the US Economic Development Administration, which will greatly benefit all participants including InBIA members. By participating as a respondent your information will contribute to a national dataset, currently available, bringing unprecedented resources back to your organization. Aggregated across as many entrepreneurship centers as we can capture, you will be able to use the data to help with future planning, obtaining funding, and developing critical partnerships for your organization.
EDA’s goal for the IMPACT Index is an interactive, longitudinal dataset that will be searchable by variables including geographic region, industry focus, and center type. The IMPACT reporting tool will allow you to create personalized reports to benchmark your programs with a national dataset, and ideally enable you to pursue federal and regional funding to develop important infrastructure assets for your organization. The IMPACT dataset will provide easily accessible, averaged impact measurements that are often required when pursuing such resources for your entrepreneurial program.
The dataset will be maintained by InBIA, and will be perpetually available to the EDA, survey participants and other qualified institutions to help community leaders identify key performance drivers and entrepreneurial demographics that are unique to their regions or industrial sectors. The IMPACT Index will provide you with tangible economic impact data needed by key stakeholders and annual report designers.
Project is in collaboration with

This work was prepared by InBIA and UCF  using Federal funds under award ED16HDQ3120001 from the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Economic Development Administration or the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Notice of Consent to Participate

Phase I of the IMPACT Index study aims to collect metrics on the programs that serve entrepreneurs and Phase II aims to collect metrics on the companies/clients that have taken part of those programs. As a followup to this survey (Phase I), you may be contacted by phone or email to aid in identifying companies that have gone through your programs (Phase II).  

By selecting 'Yes' below, you are providing consent to voluntarily participate in the IMPACT Index research study. By doing so, you agree to allow research parties to utilize the data provided for national program reporting, industry specific reports, and other means. Furthermore, you agree to report the most accurate information possible to your knowledge. All personal and corporate identifiers will remain confidential and will not be included in reports or datasets, except for your personalized report, which will only be seen by you. Your information will not be sold or transferred to a third party.
Are you at least 18 years of age and DO YOU provide consent to participate in the research study? *This question is required.