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SGLBA Strategic Directions Survey 2018

SGLBA Strategic Directions Survey 2018

Your opinion is important to us, and will help to inform our strategy for the next 12 months. To ensure the SGLBA delivers events, services, projects and programs that are relevant and valuable to you, we need your help.

That’s why we are seeking your input.

Please complete all of the following questions. Use as much space as necessary to answer any narrative questions. Your responses will be treated confidentially. A consolidated summary of all replies will be made available to the SGLBA Board of Directors to help them make strategic decisions.

Thank you for your participation.  We value your opinion. Click the arrow below right to start.
1. For the last 12 months, what has been your deepest level of engagement with the SGLBA? *This question is required.
2. How long have you been engaging with the SGLBA? *This question is required.
Your postcode should include 4 characters e.g. 2017