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New Opportunities for Women in West Somerset

You may have heard that West Somerset has been allocated some funding from the Department for Education (DfE) and we would like your help to decide how to spend it! The following questions are designed to help us understand:

- The barriers that prevent you and other women from accessing jobs and learning opportunities in and around West Somerset; and
- The type of support you would like to see available to help you, and other women, make the most of these opportunities.

Be in it to win it!

The survey should take you no more than five minutes to complete and, if you are happy to provide us with your contact details, you will also be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 book token.

Look out for other opportunities to have your say at schools, Jobcentre Plus, West Somerset Employment Hubs and a range of other community venues.

Please note that deadline for this survey has been extended to COP on Thursday 7th June.
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