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Nortex Economic Development District

Regional Business Survey

This question requires a valid number format.
2. Which best describes the nature of your business. *This question is required.
Space Cell AgricultureLight ManufacturingManufacturingRetailService SectorEducationAutomation/IT
My business is
3. New Radio Buttons
4. Our facility location gives my business an advantage.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
5. My company has adequate access to markets.
Highlly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
6. Our facility location brings business limitations.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
7. My company leverages technology and/or intellectual properties.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
8. Our market area is limited.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
9. Weather is an important factor in our business growth.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
10. Broadband access is important to our business.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
11. My company has adequate access to high speed internet.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
12. Opportunities for geographical expansion are possible with my business.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
13. Access to major transportation routes are important to my business.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
14. New sources of financing would help my business.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
15. Partnerships with local entities would help my business.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
16. Governmental changes have substantial impact on our business sector.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
17. Our employees are skilled.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
18. My company has a labor force/pool sufficient to allow future growth.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
19. Our employees have professional certifications.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
20. Our key staff members are satisfied with their salary and benefits.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree 1
21. Our staff and/or employees require additional knowledge and/or training.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
22. Our workforce is literate.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1
23. My company has significant employee turnover.
Highly Agree =1098765432Strongly Disagree =1