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Validation of ETRADD-Q: USA


attachment Disorders IN childhood:
Validation of the ETRADD-Q

Title of research:
Attachment disorders in childhood: Validation of the ETRADD-Q

Researcher (principal investigator):
Dr. Sébastien Monette, Psy.D.-Ph.D., associate professor (Department of Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada) and neuropsychologist (CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’île-de-Montréal).

Chantal Cyr, psychologist and full professor (Department of Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
Miguel Terradas, psychologist and full professor (Department of Psychology, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
Sophie Couture, associate professor (Department of Criminology, Université de Montréal, Canada)

Funding agency:
Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté

Dear foster parent or adoptive parent,

We would like you to participate in a research project. Please take the time to read the information contained in this information and consent form before making your decision. Your participation in the project is entirely voluntary, which is to say, you are free to accept or refuse to take part in it.

What participation entails
Participation in the project entails completing a short sociodemographic questionnaire regarding your adoptive child (international adoption, domestic adoption, or child protective services adoption) or a child in your care (foster family or kinship care) and three short questionnaires regarding the child’s behaviour.  

Criteria for participation

1) Description of the research project
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is a psychological disorder that some children develop after experiencing prolonged adverse living conditions at an early age (e.g., neglect, extended hospitalization, and orphanage). Very little scientific research has been conducted on the subject and there exists no tool to assess the disorder that has been subjected to comprehensive validation. This project aims to validate a RAD questionnaire for mental health professionals to use to help them assess and diagnose the disorder in children 5 to 13 years of age. To this end, we need to collect data on adoptive children and  children in foster care.

2) What participation entails
Participating in the project would entail completing the following online multiple-choice questionnaires:
  • a short sociodemographic questionnaire on the child (e.g., age, sex, mental health diagnoses, time in your care) and your family (e.g., age, sex);
  • two questionnaires on attachment disorders (92-item ETRADD-Q and 11-item RPQ);
  • a short questionnaire on the child’s level of functioning (14 items).
  • Total amount of time required: 30 minutes (usually, between 15 and 30 minutes)
  • If you agree to participate, we would require you to complete the questionnaires within one month of receiving this invitation.

3) Benefits of participation in the project
You will derive no direct personal benefit from participating in this research project. However, your participation will help the clinical and scientific community to better understand RAD and to provide professionals with a reliable and validated assessment tool to use in their practice.
4) Risks and disadvantages of participation in the project
There are no risks associated with participating in the project.
The only disadvantage to participating would be taking the time to complete the questionnaires.
5) Confidentiality
All information collected through this project will remain strictly anonymous. You do not have to provide your name or any other information that could serve to identify you personally. The data you provide will be destroyed permanently and irreversibly seven (7) years from the completion of the research project. We may be required to grant the Troubled Youth Research Ethics Board (REB) of the CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’île-de-Montréal access to the research files for research verification and management purposes. However, we will adhere to a strict confidentiality policy at all times. 

6) Dissemination of research results
The results of the project will be disseminated as group data. This means that you will not be able to obtain the results of your child or the child in your care. If you would like information on publications related to this research project, you can visit the Principal Investigator's ResearchGate page (click on the link below), which will be updated on an ongoing basis as publications become available:

7) Freedom to participate in research and right of withdrawal
Your participation is voluntary. You can refuse to participate in the project without having to justify yourself. If you decide to cease your participation while completing the electronic questionnaires, all you will need to do is leave the form unfinished. All incomplete data will eventually be destroyed.

8) Contacts
If you have any questions concerning this research, feel free to contact the research team by email at

If you agree, please enter your e-mail adress (optional) This question requires a valid email address.