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Do you have SI joint pain?

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Studies show that the SI joint is a source of pain in 15-30% of patients with chronic low back pain. Do you have SI joint pain? Take this short quiz to find out.

The results of the quiz are meant to help you determine if the symptoms you are experiencing are coming from your SI joint. This quiz is not meant to be a substitute for a thorough diagnostic evaluation by a health care professional. Only a health care professional can diagnose SI joint disorders and recommend appropriate care.
1. What is your gender?
2. Using the diagram pictured below, where is your most severe pain?
*This question is required.
3. Does your pain prevent you from sitting for long periods? *This question is required.
4. How hard is it to climb up stairs? *This question is required.
Did your pain start during or soon after pregnancy? If you’ve never been pregnant or given birth, please answer no. *This question is required.
5. Does driving over a bump in the road worsen back/buttocks pain? *This question is required.
6. Can you stand on one leg (affected side) for prolonged periods? *This question is required.
7. Can you get in and out of a car easily? *This question is required.