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Why did you purchase Serv-U MFT?

Serv-U MFT Feedback

1. What features drove you to purchase Serv-U MFT?
Please rank these features in order of importance to you Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
2. Did you consider purchasing the lower tiered Serv-U FTP?
3. Why didn't you purchase?
3. What other file transfer solutions were you evaluating?
4. Did you purchase the optional Serv-U Gateway option?
5. Why did you not add the Gateway Option?
5. How did you find out about Serv-U MFT ?
6. Did you find all the product information you needed to make your decision on our websites?
8. Thank you for your time. If you'd like a Product Manager to reach out you, please submit your information below: