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Student Engagement and Institutional Attitudes, Recovery Support Services in Higher Education

Thank you for your willingness to provide information on your experience with and knowledge of recovery support services available for students, faculty, and staff. Please respond to the following survey to the best of your ability and with your opinion. Be assured that your name, the name of your institution, and your position will not be directly correlated in publication of findings.

As you respond, please keep the following definitions in mind:
  • Addiction (a.k.a. substance use disorder) – A brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug, alcohol, and/or behavior seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.
  • Recovery – A process of change through which individuals recovering from a substance use disorder improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.
  • Recovery Support Services – Any service, program, or resource provided to individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder to help them maintain their recovery (e.g. sober social events/activities, collegiate recovery programs and services, one-on-one recovery coaching, a recovery student organization, AA/NA or other recovery meetings on campus, recovery-related seminars or life skills workshops).
  • Faculty/Staff/Administrator – Any paid employee of the college or university.
  • Student – Anybody that is currently enrolled in one or more classes at the college or university.
Name of institution
2. Which of the following best describes your affiliation with this college or university? *This question is required.