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World Urban Parks - 2018 Annual General Meeting

Welcome to the World Urban Parks AGM for 2017/2018

#World Parks Leaders Grow Here

It would be an understatement to say that it is an exciting time to be working in urban parks on a global scale. We have done quite a lot, yet the process has shown us that much more remains to be done. The world urban population will double from 3.5 billion to over 7.0 billion in the next 40 years. This means that half of the communities that will exist within the lifetime of our children have not been built yet.

This represents a magnificent opportunity as well as an enormous responsibility to support the development of parks and open spaces as critical elements in creating vibrant cities and healthy communities where all citizens can live healthier and happier lives.

Being involved and making a difference has been a key theme for our Chair of World Urban Parks and has shown that it is where “World Parks Leaders Grow”.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for World Urban Parks is being held electronically from 24th August to 31st August. The AGM is always held via electronic survey so that all members will have six days to participate at their convenience. 

The AGM provides an opportunity for members to see, comment on and approve:
  • the annual report of World Urban Parks for the 2017/18 year
  • the audited financial reports for the 2017/18 year
  • the appointment of the auditor and terms of that appointment