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RAM 2018/2019

Demographic questions

In which region are you located? *This question is required.
Within which country do you reside in the North American region? *This question is required.
Within which country do you reside in the Western European region? *This question is required.
Within which country do you reside in the Eastern European region? *This question is required.
Within which country do you reside in the Asia Pacific region? *This question is required.
Within which country do you reside in the South/Central American region? *This question is required.
Within which country do you reside in the the African region? *This question is required.
In which country in the Middle East region are you located? *This question is required.
Which regions and countries does your organization reach? (Select all that apply) *This question is required.
Which types of disease area(s) does your organization work on (select all that apply)? *This question is required.
In which ways is your organization funded *This question is required.
Which best describes the way your organization is funded (please distribute 100% among the choices) *This question is required.
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