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Understanding the knowledge, attitudes, perception and behaviour of decliners regarding preconception carrier screening in Western Australia

Thank you for taking part in this survey.

Please complete this survey only if you decide NOT to take part in the study. 

The following information outlines a research project being conducted by Professor Nigel Laing at the University of Western Australia. Ethics has been approved by the UWA Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval number: RA/4/20/4258). 

This questionnaire seeks to explore and examine the different perceptions and attitudes of individuals who have chosen to decline a preconception carrier-screening test. Your participation will help to identify future research priorities in this area. We are very appreciative of your involvement in this important research.

Your responses will be anonymous and will not be used individually. Findings from this study will be published in a scientific journal or presented in conferences as oral presentations and/or posters. A summary of the research findings may be requested on completion of the project.

If you agree to participate in the questionnaire, please complete the questions that follow.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the email address provided below.

Professor Nigel Laing (Chief Investigator)
NH&MRC Principal Research Fellow
Centre for Medical Research
University of Western Australia
Tel: +61-(0)8-6151-0741