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Gresham Barlow TechSmart Teacher Survey - Fall Year 3

You are receiving this survey because you have or will be participating in technology-related professional development or training as part of your school's TechSmart grant funded by the Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission (MHCRC).  MHCRC has partnered with an external evaluation company, Pacific Research and Evaluation, to conduct an evaluation of these grants and to learn about the effective instructional teaching practices that have emerged.  A key element of this evaluation is to hear directly from teachers.

This survey will ask about your experience with technology-related professional development, how you incorporate technology into your instruction, and other questions related to technology use. Your responses to this survey will go directly to Pacific Research and Evaluation and will only be shared with your school in aggregate form. We appreciate you taking 15 minutes to complete this survey. 

This survey will ask you to report your  teacher ID. We are asking for your ID so PRE  can address research questions requiring analyses of how teachers implementation of instructional practices influences student outcomes. This information will in no way be used for purposes of teacher evaluation and will only be seen by these external researchers. 

If you have questions about this survey, please contact Kristi Manseth at Pacific Research and Evaluation (

Clicking on the "Next" below indicates that you understand that you do not have to answer any question(s) you choose not to answer. In addition, you understand that your identity will not be revealed in any way except to the researchers at PRE involved in the TechSmart project, and that the results will not be reported in a way that will reveal individual participants.