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Leaders in Energy: The Four Gen Awards

It’s time to make your nomination for the 2018 Leaders in Energy Four Generations Awards.  

We are excited to open the nomination process for the 5th annual “Four Generations of Leaders in Clean Energy and Sustainable Solutions Awards” – The Four Gen Awards!

Purpose:  To recognize leaders in the clean energy and sustainability arena from each of the four generations who will share their lessons learned and tips on leadership to our audience. This will be Leaders in Energy’s fifth year to conduct this very successful event which will feature honorees from each of the four generations, e.g., World War II, Baby Boomer, Gen X, and Millennial/Gen Z who exemplify leadership in the energy and sustainability arena. Leaders in Energy is an inclusive organization promoting the interaction, partnership, and mentoring among all generations, with diverse backgrounds and work experiences.

This year's theme is "Becoming a Leader by Empowering Ourselves, and Others, to Create a Better and Greener World."

What do we mean by “Becoming a Leader?”  These are people who empower themselves, and step up to take responsibility, to make the world a better and greener place for humanity and for all the natural world.   In our homes, in our neighborhoods and communities, in our workplaces, cities, states, and countries – we need leaders on every front and at every level.  From solo change leaders, to leaders of others, we are honoring individuals who have taken the initiative to make a difference!

What do we mean by "Creating a Better and Greener World?"   It is addressing our current challenges of climate change, resource depletion, deforestation and loss of biodiversity and habitats, and changing the way that we live our daily lives, both personally and collectively, for the greater good of all. 

We believe in harnessing the talents of the Four Generations to advance clean energy and sustainable solutions for the environment, encompassing technology, economic and social innovation for the benefit of the planet and all life.   We are looking for those individuals who are working on projects, programs, and initiatives that lead us in this direction.
Important Additional Details -- Please read
Please complete the form below to nominate an individual for recognition at our November 30th 4 Gen Awards program. Self nominations are encouraged and welcomed, in addition to nominations of others.

The deadline for the Four Gen Awards nominations is Friday, October 19th, by midnight EST.  
Further information about the nomination timelines, awardee selection timing, and the Four Gen Awards event is available here.  

The winners of the 5th annual Four Generations of Clean Energy and Sustainable Solutions Awards will be recognized  on Friday, November 30, 2018 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm in Crystal City (Arlington), VA. 

Note that the awardee must be able to attend our event in person.  The awardee will make a 5-7 minute presentation to share their insights and motivate others on becoming a leader.

To submit more than one nomination, please return to this page.
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5. Are you currently a member of Leaders in Energy? (Check all that apply)
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