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CTUIR Online Community Sweathouse Survey

  • Members of a CTUIR group working on community-strengthening projects (mini-Gathering Of Native Americans) are interested in understanding people's interest in sweathouse practice to help develop future programs for the community. We would love to have you share your thoughts and experience about the sweathouse - whether or not you have used a sweathouse.
  • This survey is anonymous and voluntary. If you do not want to fill it out, you do not have to. Filling it out and turning it in means you have voluntarily decided to do so. Participants who want will be entered into a raffle (see end of survey for details). Raffle prizes are Family Theatre passes. There will be 5 winners!
  • We will give the completed surveys to our evaluation partner to analyze and prepare a summary report. Funds used to prepare the report are provided by a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center.
  • If you are interested in learning more about the mini-GONA group or more about this survey (including the results when they are ready), please contact Jay Stanley (541) 240-8426.
First, we would like just a little information about you to know who is interested in or already going to sweathouse:
1. My age is:
2. My gender is:
3. Are you an enrolled member or descendant of:
If you are not an enrolled member or descendant from a tribal community, do you identify as American Indian/Alaska Native? 
4. Are you from the Pendleton area?
5. Have you ever been to a sweathouse, either socially, to cleanse, or for a ceremony?
6. If no, are you interested in learning about the sweathouse and/or finding a place you can sweat?
6. Do any of the following physical barriers prevent you from going to a sweathouse gathering? (please mark all that apply)
6. Are there other things that might prevent you from going to a sweathouse gathering?
6. How many people do you (would you) feel most comfortable being with in a sweathouse?
6. Do you (or would you) prefer to attend sweat gatherings naked or with a towel?
6. Are there other considerations that are important to you around sweathouse practice not mentioned above?
6. Do you think you would go to the sweathouse more if sweathouse gatherings were part of your prescribed Yellowhawk treatment plan?
6. Would you be willing to go to a sweathouse gathering open to the community?
6. What days are best for you to attend a sweathouse gathering? (please circle all that apply)Days
What times would be convenient for you to attend a sweat?
6. Would you be willing to donate either wood, your time to chop wood, or both for the community sweathouse?
Your Past Experience with Sweathouse Gatherings
6. How old were you when you first went to a sweathouse?
6. With whom did you first go to the sweathouse? (check all that apply)
6. Where did you first learn to participate in the sweathouse gathering?
6. If you went to sweathouse as a young person (19 or younger), how would you describe your experience?
6. How often do you go to the sweathouse, on average?
6. Do you go to the sweathouse mainly for (select all that apply)….
This question requires a valid number format.