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Financial Professionals Learning Community


The intent of this survey is to inform the design of a virtual learning community for financial professionals who are members of the Strength Matters collaborative. The objectives are twofold: 1) to actively connect members to each other around shared interests and 2) support continued learning and professional development in between annual gatherings. Ultimately, the goal is to strengthen the support available to financial professionals who direct and manage the financial work of nonprofit developers and lenders.  
*This question is required.
Your organization's products and services (Check all that apply)
Member (Check all that apply.)
1. Within the past year, how have you or other staff at your organization been engaged in a financial professionals community (check all that apply) *This question is required.
3. Which channels of engagement have you found valuable? (Check all that apply.) *This question is required.
4. What outcomes would you desire after one year engaging with the Strength Matters Financial Professionals Learning Community? (Check all that apply.) *This question is required.
5. Would you consider informing and engaging in the Strength Matters Financial Professionals Learning Community in any of the following ways? (Check all that apply.) *This question is required.