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Post on STO



If you'd like to market a Beauty Industry related Product(s) or Post A Job, then please complete the form below. 

Please note that there are *REQUIRED questions.  If you feel that these questions are not applicable to your particular submission then please add 'Not Applicable' or (N/A) in the space provided. 

If you have any questions about completing your form, or whether your posting is appropriate to STO, feel free to contact us directly at
(of the  Beauty Product or Job Position)
Contact Person: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid number format.
Upload Image here (of your logo, product or any photo/photos related to your post):Please note that you can include up to 5 images that display your product(s). The more relevant images you add the more attractive your post will be.

Allowed types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, pdf, txt
Max file size: 10mb
Max Number of Files: 5
Write a description about your Beauty School or Training Program for your Listing. This is where potential students can learn about your institution or course so be as detailed as possible.
Write a full description about the beauty product/shopping area  for your listing. This is where potential customers can learn about what it is, its target market, etc. so be as detailed as possible.
Course Duration
Write a full description about what the job is about for your listing. This is where potential applicants can learn about what the job entails, the skills you are looking for in an ideal candidate, etc. so be as detailed as possible.
Job Type: *This question is required.
Work Days and Hours
Work Days
Work Hours
Class/Program Delivery *This question is required.
Enrollment Dates:
Space Cell StartEnd
(Please list down all of the important details below)

Please review your listing details before submitting.
Please be advised that STO and its staff reserves the right to disapprove any application submissions if deemed inappropriate, unlawful or non-compliant under local or federal regulations.
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