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CISSP Practice Quiz: Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering Quiz 1

CISSP Practice Quiz: Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering Quiz 1

1. Jason received a message from Bob and would like to be able to prove to a third party that Bob actually sent the message. Which principle of cryptography is Jason attempting to enforce?
2. Alice would like to send a message to Bob using an asymmetric cryptography algorithm. What key should she use to encrypt the message?
3. Bob receives a message from Alice that she sent using an asymmetric cryptography algorithm. What key should he use to decrypt the message?
4. Mary is setting up a symmetric encryption system for use in her company. There are currently 50 users. How many keys in total are needed?
5. Renee recently received a digital certificate from a trusted certificate authority. What key does it contain?
6. In the Bell-LaPadula model, what property says that a subject may not read information at a higher security level than they possess?
7. In what type of attack against databases does an individual combine multiple pieces of information classified at a low level to reveal information classified at a higher level?
8. Tom investigates an attack against a financial system that gleaned very small amounts of money over a long period of time. What type of attack is this?
9. What type of power issue results from a prolonged period of low voltage in a data center environment?
10. What type of fire extinguisher is appropriate for use against an electrical fire in a data center?