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CPEI Self Assessment

Welcome to the Corporate Political Engagement Index self-assessment.


Use this sample questionnaire to test the current strength of your company's approach to engagement with current and former politicians and government officials. The results of the questionnaire offer an indication of where your company might rate in the Corporate Political Engagement Index.

Answers to the questions should be based on information that your company makes public. This includes, for example, information that your company publishes on its website or in the company's annual report. 

There are a total of 20 questions, which are separated across five sections:

1. Control environment
2. Political contributions
3. Lobbying
4. 'Revolving door'
5. Transparency

Results provided: 

A sample rating is provided between A (there is strong evidence of good practice) and F (there is limited evidence of good practice). 

A summary of responses to questions is provided alongside a recommendation. It is suggested that companies analyse their results to identify respective strengths and weakness against the five themes. 


The index website provides a number of resources to help companies strengthen approaches to political engagement:

• quick guides to the five themes
• our full guide, Wise Counsel or Dark Arts: Principles and Guidance for Responsible Political Engagement

Terms of use:

The results of this self-assessment tool are designed to provide an indication of where a company might rate in the Corporate Engagement Political Index. Participants are invited to complete the questionnaire at their own discretion. Transparency International is not responsible for the results obtained from the use of this tool. The results do not represent the views of Transparency International. Transparency International does not endorse any of the results generated. 


Responses to this questionnaire are confidential. Results will only be visible to your company. No personal data will be collected or held through this survey.