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Fodor's Guidebooks Customer Survey

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2. How many Fodor's guidebooks have you used in the past?
3. Where did you get your book? *This question is required.
4. How much did the following influence your decision to purchase your Fodor's book? 
Space Cell Heavy InfluenceMedium InfluenceLight InfluenceNo InfluenceNot Applicable
Used Fodor's in the past
Book description
Top of search results
Recommendation from someone you know
Online reviews
"Look Inside" the book option
"See More Images" option
Free Pull-Out Map
4. Which online store did you purchase from? *This question is required.
4. Did you use the word "Fodor's" in your search query when you purchased this book online?  *This question is required.
4. Which physical store did you purchase your book from? (If local bookstore, please write in under "Other")  *This question is required.
4. How much did the following influence your decision to purchase a Fodor's book? 
Space Cell Heavy InfluenceMedium InfluenceLight InfluenceNo InfluenceNot Applicable
Used Fodor's in the past
Recommendation from someone you know
Bookstore staff recommendation
Front Cover
Back Cover
Flipping through the book
Free Pull-Out Map
4. Did you plan to purchase a Fodor's book when you entered the store?  *This question is required.
4. How valuable did you find the following Fodor's guidebook features?
Space Cell Very valuableSomewhat valuableNot very valuable
Ultimate Experiences Guide
Reviews (Restaurants, Hotels, etc.)
Cultural and Historical Explanations
Logistical Planning information
5. How frequently did you use your Fodor's guidebook in the following categories:
Space Cell FrequentlySometimesRarelyNever/Not Applicable
Sports and the Outdoors
Where to Stay
Performing arts
Where to Eat
Sights and Attractions
Side Trips
8. What is your gender?  *This question is required.
9. What is your age?  *This question is required.
10. What is your household income level?  *This question is required.
11. Which of the following best describes your Job Function?