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Acer Sustainability Report Material Topics Survey

Acer Sustainability Report Material Topics Survey

Dear Sir/Madam,
Acer issues sustainability reports on a regular basis each year, disclosing performance and strategies on different topics to stakeholders. Through sustainability report, the stakeholders will understand Acer’s persistence towards sustainable development and social responsibility.
We would like to understand your thought regarding our reporting by requesting your opinion through the survey. Your feedback is valuable to us and will make our sustainability report responds to our stakeholders' interests better.

Thank you for your participation. Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us:

Acer ESG Office

* Required

A. Stakeholder Information

Please provide your basic information.
1. 1. Your relationship with Acer *This question is required.

B.  Governance/Economic

For each topic, please choose the answer that best describes your level of concern.
4. 1. Corporate Governance
A healthy and effective Board of Directors; make use of a comprehensive mechanism for coordinating the interests of the Company and those of its stakeholders, thus strengthening our corporate governance and furthering the formation of a culture of sound governance.  *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
5. 2. Ethics/ Code of Conduct
Make the business code of conduct (which includes the content of anti-trust, anti-corruption and the related regulations of business ethics) deeply rooted in the daily work of employees and provide open and effective grievance mechanisms. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
6. 3. Risk and Crisis Management
Effective risk and crisis management are vital for long-term financial planning and organization flexibility. The company needs to implement internal control process to comply with existing regulations and proactively develop the control mechanism.  *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
7. 4. Customer Management
Identification of market and customer; Customer satisfaction; Application of new technologies on customer relations, Excellent service quality *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
8. 5. Innovative Products and Services
Investment in innovation capability enhancement, and efforts to acquire and protect intellectual property rights.  Innovative products and services that respond to the development and evolution of society. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
9. 6. Public policy and Initiative
Initiatives, partnerships and activities designed to take advantage of the public policy to promote sustainable business practices; Political contributions. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
10. 7. Transparency Disclosure
Ethical Management.  Disclosure and reporting of information regarding economic, environmental and social aspects, and providing open grievance mechanisms including environment, human rights, labor practices and impacts on society. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low

C. Environmental

For each topic, please choose the answer that best describes your level of concern.
12. 9. Energy & Climate Change
Energy consumption; Strategies and performances of energy conservation; Goals and outcomes on GHG emissions reduction. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
13. 10. Environmental Policy and Management 
Energy consumption; Strategies and performances of energy conservation; Goals and outcomes on GHG emissions reduction. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
14. 11. Circular Economy and Product Stewardship
The actions to lessen environmental impact, including life cycle management, using recycled materials, enhancing product energy efficiency, reduction and recycling of packaging materials, reducing environmental impacts of transportation, and developing plans for circular economy. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
15. 12. Water Resource Management
Water resource management plan, consumption performance and waste water discharge. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
16. 13. Supplier Environmental Performance 
Supplier environmental impact assessment; Environmental management; Water management; Energy management; Hazardous substance, waste water, waste and air emissions management. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low

D. Social

For each topic, please choose the answer that best describes your level of concern.
18. 15. Product Responsibility and Customer Safety
Significant product and service categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement; Efforts on prevention and control of the impact on users (e.g. low blue light display). *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
19. 16. Information Security and Customer privacy
Significant product and service categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement; Efforts on prevention and control of the impact on users (e.g. low blue light display); Set up the policy and mechanisms for customer privacy; management of customer privacy to avoid losses of customer data. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
20. 17. Labor Management and Relations
Provide multiple communication channels. To cultivate an engaged culture, open and consistent communication can promote healthy employee relations. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
21. 18. Talent Attraction & Retention
Actions taken to strengthen the Corporation's competitiveness in the talent market (e.g. employee satisfaction surveys, benefit,  formulation and review of long-term incentives); Investment in and development of a talent pool of potential future employees (e.g. industry-academia cooperation plan, intern program). *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
22. 19. Human Right, Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Equal remuneration for women and men; Diversity and equal opportunity; Non-discrimination; Freedom of association and collective bargaining. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
23. 20. Human Capital Development
Average hours of training per year per employee; Programs for skills management and lifelong learning; Regular performance and career development reviews. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
24. 21. Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational health and safety management policy and system ( e.g. OHSAS 18001); Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees; Occupational injury and diseases; Lost days and absenteeism; Total number of work-related fatalities. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
25. 22. Community Philanthropy and Digital Inclusion
Local community engagement and corporate charitable activities. Enabling accessibility of ICT by all people regardless of age, gender, minority of income, location or other characteristics. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
26. 23. Conflict Mineral
Conflict minerals policy; Due diligence process; Actions and disclosure. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low
27. 24. Supplier Social Performance
Supplier human rights assessment; Social impact assessment; Supplier management for labor practices. *This question is required.
Very HighHighModerateLowVery Low