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FEI-SV 2018 Members' Survey

FEI-SV 2018 Members' Survey

Welcome to the FEI-SV 2018 Members’ Survey. 

By participating in the survey you’ll help us to ensure that we can:

•    Give members the opportunity to be included in the FEI-SV Experts Directory 
•    Schedule convenient and timely events and meetings
•    Provide speakers, topics and new initiatives that our members are interested in
•    Review our performance as an organization, taking stock of whether we are effectively engaging with you and satisfying your expectations as an FEI-SV member.

The survey has just 30 questions.  It should take less than 10 minutes to complete and can be completed on a desktop PC or cell-phone.  Your confidentiality is of course guaranteed. 

Following the survey, we’ll publish key survey findings in forthcoming FEI-SV newsletters. 

Please note that -- at the end -- you'll be asked to provide a photo.  A photo from your LinkedIn or Facebook profile should be fine.

Thanks again for your participation - we look forward to your views.