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Big Data Practice Quiz: Hadoop Quiz 2

Big Data Practice Quiz: Hadoop Quiz 2

1. With Hadoop, which Apache Commons Logging framework is used for logging?
2. Which of the following options, when used with Hadoop fs -ls, recursively lists subdirectories?
3. Which of the following is NOT one of the HDFS daemons?
4. The hadoop daemon log output is written to the directory specified by which variable?
5. Which of the following statements is true regarding timestamps?
6. To start a Hadoop cluster, it is necessary to start both of which two clusters?
7. What is the command hadoop fs -setrep used for?
8. One configuration variable that must be set in the environment is HADOOP_HEAPSIZE. The number that this is set to determines the heap size in what storage quantity?
9. The command hadoop fs -cat is used to copy source paths to stdout. What value does it return on error?
10. The Hadoop daemon log output directory defaults to where?