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Alumnae Survey

Dear Laurel Alumna,
The Alumnae Board, representing all 4,000+ women who have attended Laurel for at least one year, focuses its work through the lens of four goal groups—Engagement, Connecting, Ambassadorship, and Sustainability/Leadership. 
Your feedback on this short survey will help us frame our work developing meaningful programming, interactions and opportunities for and with alumnae.  We thank you for your input.
We know that the majority of alumnae live far from Lyman Circle. How can we make every alum feel engaged?
2. I live...
3. Have you attended an alumnae event in the past five years?
4. Please indicate which ones:
4. Why have you not recently attended any alumnae events? (Choose all that apply)
  • * This question is required.
4. In what other ways would you be interested in engaging with Laurel? (Choose all that apply)
5. What types of alumnae initiatives would you like to see more of? (Please rank in order of priority with #1 being the one you are most interested in) Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
How can we harness connections to help alumnae in their personal and professional lives? 
7. In what ways do you stay/have recently stayed connected to Laurel School? (Choose all that apply)
  • * This question is required.
8. I would be interested in connecting/networking in the following ways: (Choose all that apply)
9. I like/use: (Choose all the apply)
10. I feel that Laurel does a good job of communicating with alumnae.
All alumnae are considered ambassadors for Laurel in the community. How can we be advocates for our alma mater to those outside the Laurel community?
12. There are many ways to be an Ambassador for Laurel. Please indicate on the scale below where you fall in terms of your willingness to advocate for Laurel. (The options listed are examples only)
0 - Not Interested1 - Put a magnet on my car/wear Laurel spirit wear2 - Recommend Laurel to a prospective family/Bring a family to Open House3 - Volunteer for Admissions/Host a gathering in my home4 - Sponsor a Laurel table of faculty/students at non-Laurel events5 - Be featured as an Alumna Spotlight on Laurel's website or in print materials
13. What information would encourage you to be an Ambassador for Laurel? (Choose all that apply)
Inspiring girls to fulfill their promise and to better the world, our alma mater prepares young women to be leaders. How can we help alumnae do the same? 
15. What areas would you be interested in as we develop leadership programming for alumnae? (Please rank in order of priority with #1 being the one you are most interested in) Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
17. Have you made a gift to Laurel in the last five years?
18. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
I feel my support is appreciated.
I understand how Laurel uses my donations.
My donations have been appropriately recognized.
I believe my gifts have made a positive impact on Laurel.
18. Why have you not made a gift to Laurel in the last five years?
20. Did you graduate from Laurel?
21. Have you ever lived internationally?