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The Dec 2018 User Survey 2018 End of the Year Reader Survey

1. Why are you reading
2. What is your age?
5. Do you follow us on social media? If so, where?
6. Do you subscribe to any of our email newsletters?
7. Would you be interested in a weekly podcast featuring the editors of
8. How many cars/trucks do you have in your household?
9. Do you think you will probably buy a new or used car/SUV/truck in the next 6 months?
10. What vehicles are you interested in buying in the next year? (Pick as many as you like)
11. Do you have any of these things in your household? (Pick as many as you have)
12. What are you interested in reading about on (Pick as many as you like)
13. How do you like to be entertained? (Pick as many as you like)
14. Are you interested in self-driving cars?
15. Tell us about you. Tell us what you like (pick as many as you like):
How many video games do you buy a year?
16. What would you like the team at to do more of?
17. If you were buying your next car/SUV/truck today, what price range would you consider?
18. Which of these automotive websites do you like? Pick one or more.
19. What do you do with your vehicles? Pick as many as you like.
20. Generally, I like vehicles from:
21. If you were buying a new or used vehicle today, how would you do it?
22. I spend my money on these things (Pick as many as you like):
23. Would you consider registering for a free account on if it offered features like saving articles, customization, and extra content?
25. Optional: What is your household income?
26. Optional: Are you:
27. Optional: If you were a state, would you be a ...