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Big Data Practice Quiz: Spark Quiz 1

Big Data Practice Quiz: Spark Quiz 1

1. In Spark, each job gets divided into smaller sets of tasks that depend on each other and are called which of the following?
2. What is the maximum recommended allocation of memory for Spark (leaving the remainder for the operating system and buffer cache)?
3. Which organization are Apache Spark, Spark, and the Spark logo trademarks of?
4. In Spark, what are RDD operations that produce non-RDD values known as?
5. Which of the following does the Spark driver program use to interact with the worker nodes?
6. Spark scales to tens of CPU cores per machine because it performs minimal sharing between threads. For optimization purposes, how many cores per machine should you provision?
7. Which of the following Spark metric instances represent the ApplicationMaster when running on YARN?
8. When RPC authentication is turned on via spark.authenticate, where is the secret key stored?
9. By default, what is the default port to which the web interface of the Spark history server binds?
10. Under cluster mode, each application gets its own which kind of process?