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Manhasset, NY - 2019 Parent Survey

Dear Parent or Guardian

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey project. Questions in this survey mirror some of the questions being given to the students in schools in your area. Your answers will allow a comparison of the perspectives of parents about youth substance abuse with those of their own children.

The survey is completely voluntary and anonymous, as is the student survey being given concurrently. This is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers to these questions; we really just want to learn about your opinions and experiences. Your cooperation is very important in obtaining a scientifically accurate picture of the community attitudes and parental perceptions about youth substance use.

If you do not find an answer that fits exactly, use the one that comes closest. If any question does not apply to you, or you are not sure what it means, just leave it blank. You have the right to refuse to answer any specific question, and you have the right to suspend your participation in the survey at any time. Thank you again for your support of this project!

In this survey, please answer questions about "your child" in terms of YOUR OLDEST CHILD WHO IS PRESENTLY ENROLLED IN PUBLIC SCHOOL.