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January Podcast Trivia Contest

Welcome to 2019! Tina Leone, CEO of the Ballston BID, has enlisted the help of two fitness and wellness experts to help you on your path to a happier, healthier you. This month Tina is joined by Tucker Jones, trainer and owner of Ballston Crossfit, and Ingrid Vaicius, a wellness expert and health coach. They discuss small changes that can have a big impact, how finding a fitness community can make all the difference in reaching your wellness goals, plus realistic tips and tricks to get you started! 

Now let us perk up your dreary January even more. Listen to the podcast below, and answer the trivia question. If you get it right, you'll be automatically entered to win a gift card to the Ballston restaurant of your choice. Winners will be notified by email. Happy listening! 

Start working on your resolutions for free with the help of our experts, Tuck Jones and Ingrid Vaicius. 

Try a free Ballston Crossfit Class

Sign up for Ingrid's 7-Day Healthy Habits Challenge