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Coast Guard 2018

Please provide us with your contact info:
This question requires a valid email address.
1. Newsletter
1. Newsletter
1. For how many years have you been paddling?
2. Which paddling activities have you participated in during the last 12 months?  (Please check all that apply.)
3. How many canoes, kayaks and paddleboards do you and/or other members of your household currently own?
4. What type of canoe, kayak or paddleboard do you use most often?
4. How many hours do you spend on a typical paddling outing?
5. Please indicate the number of days spent paddling in the last 12 months.
5. Where do you paddle most often?
6. When you're out paddling, are you alone?
7. How many U.S. Coast Guard approved life jackets do you own?
8. How familiar are you with federal and state rules/laws regarding wearing life jackets while paddling?
9. Do you own any of the following (check all that apply)?
10. What type of inflatable life jacket do you own?