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2019 Solarize Kearsarge Site Visit Request

Complete this survey to request your free Solarize Kearsarge site visit with Granite State Solar.

When you provide your contact information below, Vital Communities will contact Granite State Solar on your behalf, add you to your volunteer team's contact list, and follow up with next steps. 

After that, Vital Communities and your volunteer team will check in periodically with updates and to help you through the Solarize process.

Please provide the following information *
This question requires a valid email address.
Important Note: If you don't live in Andover, New London, Newbury, Sutton, Warner, or Wilmot, Granite State Solar is not technically obligated to include you in the Solarize Kearsarge program, with our Solarize pricing that goes down as more people sign up. HOWEVER, Granite State Solar has said they will be happy to include folks from neighboring towns on a case by case basis. So we'll forward your request on to them and they will confirm whether they are able to extend the Solarize Kearsarge offer to you. 
e.g. by email, on my work phone: 555-5555
How did you hear about Solarize Kearsarge? *This question is required.