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Partner Review

Thank you for reviewing your software or solutions partner.  What to know before you begin:
  • Time Commitment:  This review should take you 5 minutes or less.
  • Your Privacy:  We require your work email address to verify the authenticity of the review. It will not be stored after verification or used for any other purpose without your explicit opt-in.
  • Your review will be posted anonymously as a public part of your partner's profile on Raven Intel, identifying you only by your organization's size & industry. 
  • For more informationplease click here
3. How likely would you be to recommend this firm or software? *This question is required.
DissatisfiedHighly Satisfied
5. Please rate your likelihood of doing business with this firm or vendor again.
6. Did you get the value from this project / engagement that you expected?
7. Please tell us about your level of satisfaction in the following areas: *This question is required.
Space Cell Rating
Systems Expertise (of Project Team)
Quality of Service
Flexibility / Adaptability
Software Functionality (if applicable)
Overall User Experience
Overall Value for the Investment
8. Your organization size...