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IOA Messaging Video

IOA Video Feedback Survey

1. What was your reaction to the messaging video?
Very positivePositiveSomewhat positiveNeutral/No ReactionSomewhat negativeNegativeVery negative
2. Did you find the tone and the images appealing/unappealing? I found the tone/images:
Very appealingAppealingSomewhat appealingNeutral/No ReactionSomewhat unappealingUnappealingVery unappealing
3. Do you feel the video departed from traditional ombuds messages?  I feel the video’s message was:
RadicalAppealingNon-traditionalTraditionalVery traditionalA mix of bothI didn’t notice one way or the other
4. Regardless of your reaction to the video, do you agree or disagree that the profession needs a new way of describing itself to the public? 
Strongly agreeAgreeSomewhat agreeNo opinionSomewhat disagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree