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Negotiation Survey

Negotiation Survey

1. Gender *This question is required.
2. Age *This question is required.
3. Education Level *This question is required.
4. Years of Work Experience *This question is required.
5. What industry do you work in?  *This question is required.
6. Ethnicity *This question is required.
7. Where would you place yourself on this negotiation competency scale?  *This question is required.
8. How often do you negotiate?  *This question is required.
9. Do you feel being a woman impacts your negotiations? *This question is required.
9. Do you feel being a man impacts your negotiations? *This question is required.
9. I would prefer to negotiate with:  *This question is required.

My job requires one or more of the following tasks: purchasing, sales, contracts, proposals, teaching, or management.

*This question is required.
11. I negotiated my first job offer.  *This question is required.
12. I negotiated my last job offer or promotion. *This question is required.
13. If you did not choose to negotiate your last job offer or promotion, why? (click all/any that apply or write in your own) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
13. After my last negotiated job offer or promotion, I felt... *This question is required.
13. After my last negotiated job offer or promotion, I think my counterparty felt... *This question is required.
13. Have you ever taken an extended leave from work?  *This question is required.
14. If you have returned to the workplace, did you negotiate your next salary/package? *This question is required.
14. Do you negotiate in your personal life?  *This question is required.
15. I _____ negotiating. *This question is required.
HateDislikeFeel Neutral AboutLikeLove
16. How concerned are you with what your counterparty thinks of you in a negotiation? *This question is required.
Not at all
17. In the past, my negotiations have ________ my relationships with my counterparties.  *This question is required.
18. Before I enter a negotiation I develop a strategy. *This question is required.
19. I have taken some form of negotiation training in my life.  *This question is required.

I have participated in one or more of the below forms of negotiation training (click all that apply):

*This question is required.
20. I want to improve my negotiation skills. *This question is required.
21. My company provides negotiation training.  *This question is required.
22. I think negotiation training would make me (choose all that apply): *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
23. What percentage of your attention is on spoken word in a negotiation? *This question is required.
24. What percentage of your attention is on body language and tone of voice in a negotiation? *This question is required.
25. How important is vocal tone and body language in a negotiation?  *This question is required.
26. Do you consider yourself a good negotiator? *This question is required.
27. I am afraid of coming off as pushy in a negotiation.  *This question is required.
28. I am afraid of coming off as entitled in a negotiation.  *This question is required.
29. I am afraid of getting a "no" in a negotiation. *This question is required.
30. I would negotiate more if... (choose all that apply)  *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
31. I don't like to negotiate when... (choose any/all that apply) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.

How confident in achieving your goal do you need to be in order to engage in negotiation?

*This question is required.
Not at all
33. How confident do you need to be that your ask is reasonable in order to engage in negotiation? *This question is required.
Not at all
34. I often feel like I walk away from a negotiation getting less than I deserve.  *This question is required.
35. Men and women negotiate differently.  *This question is required.
36. I am aware of one or more negotiation styles. *This question is required.
37. Negotiation is about _______. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.