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CompWest Agent Road Show Survey 2019

Please use the star rankings of 1-5 for each of the meeting segments listed below (5= "Strongly Like" or "Very Satisfied" and 1= "Strongly Dislike" or "Very Dissatisfied"):
2. Please rate the following with respect to the meeting:
Space Cell Star Ranking
Overall rating of the event
CompWest overview/work comp market - Al Gileczek
Claims overview - Dave McGowan and Lila Morones
Underwriting, loss control and agent partnerships - Gene Simpson
3. Please rank each of the following meeting logistics:
Space Cell Star Ranking
Meeting length
Organization of the meeting
Quality of food
4. Overall, attending this meeting was a good use of my time.
5. CompWest meets my service level expectations (Please support your answer using the "Comments" section below).