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ASPHO Call for Committee Volunteers

Volunteering to serve on a committee is an excellent way to shape the direction and programs of the Society, build your professional network, expand your knowledge, and exercise leadership skills. ASPHO strongly encourages members to get involved in committees to help advance the Society's objectives and the field of pediatric hematology/oncology.

Committee members are appointed for staggered 2-year terms, allowing for 2-4 new members to be appointed annually per committee. The committee year runs from annual conference to the following annual conference. Committees conduct business by e-mail and conference calls throughout the year.

It is ASPHO's goal to maintain diverse geographic, demographic, and specialty representation, while attracting the most qualified individuals to serve on committees. ASPHO focuses on attracting, developing, and retaining volunteers who reflect the diversity of its membership to play key roles in leading the Society.

All applicants must be members in good standing with ASPHO. Because available positions are limited, applicants are not guaranteed placement on a committee. The committee appointment process typically takes place each year in the winter. 

We appreciate you taking the time to submit your application. Please note that there is a 'save and continue' function (top right corner) to allow you to save your work, if you should need to return to fully complete and submit at a later time.